
Qingyi Meng

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Engineering Science


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Dr. Vijay Parsa


There is an increasing demand for developing portable psychoacoustic testing systems to evaluate the hearing abilities of people. In this thesis, the design, development, and evaluation of portable, flexible, and versatile wired and wireless psychoacoustic testing systems will be presented.

The design of the wired system utilizes a USB audio I/O controller chip for communicating with the application software on the host through a USB cable. The wireless system includes two units: a transmitter and a receiver. 2.4GHz RF transceiver chips are employed for wireless communication. Double-side PCBs populated with 0603 SMD were designed and fabricated. To go along with the hardware, software was developed on a handheld device to control and execute several psychoacoustic tests and to log subjective data. Objective measurements and small scale clinical trials were undertaken to test the efficiency of the proposed portable systems.



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