Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Rebecca Coulter

Second Advisor

Professor Brent Debassige


This case study demonstrates through the lenses of critical theory and anticolonialism that Ontario’s compulsory Grades 6-9 Social Studies curriculum is written from a Euro-Canadian standpoint and gives little regard to Aboriginal perspectives. Despite the Ministry of Education’s antiracism and equity policies, the Ontario curriculum is tainted by stereotypes, Eurocentrisms, myths, and omissions. The curriculum is an impediment to the reconciliation that must occur between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in order to bring healing to Aboriginal communities. This thesis contributes to critical education research by showing that the Ontario curriculum is partially responsible for the ignorance that secondary school graduates possess regarding Aboriginal people. It offers recommendations to correct the flaws of the Ontario curriculum and to enhance the Aboriginal content. The implementation of these recommendations could allow the curriculum to fulfill its stated goals of fostering the development of students who will respect others, recognize stereotypes, and take a stand against racism.



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