Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Dr. Gary D. Badcock


That God communicates with humanity through the Scriptures is the central claim defended in the theology of Kevin J. Vanhoozer. This thesis investigates the importance of the idea of triune communicative acts in Vanhoozer's approach. His theology is shown to develop in response to several distinct challenges: that of postmodernity, which is critical of the transmission of meaning through texts; that of propositionalism, which dedramatizes the biblical text; and that of demythologization, which holds God's being to be inaccessible to humans. Vanhoozer is also shown to draw on a number of positive theoretical sources, including speech-act theory, communicative action theory, and the resources of Christian doctrine itself, which is notably redeployed through what Vanhoozer terms "remythologization." The Conclusion offers a critical evaluation of Vanhoozer's project, making use of the work of Mark McIntosh and Nicholas Wolterstorff on the possibility of the communication of God without direct reference to the Scriptures.



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