Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing




Dr. Marilyn Evans


Research concerning adolescent pregnancy has focused primarily on the adolescent

mother. The purpose of this research study was to explore the lived experience of adolescent fatherhood using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. An overarching theme o f Sense o f Duty was identified with constituent themes o f Support and Encouragement, Relationship with Child's Mother and ViewofSelfas Father. This study concludes that engagement in the paternal role is important for these adolescent fathers. Support from others, an amicable relationship with the child’s mother and viewing oneself as a capable father fostered a sense o f paternal identity and a desire to fulfill then- perceived obligation. Findings from this study serve to inform programs and services that support the adolescent father’s relationship with his child, as well as nursing practice that is inclusive and supportive o f the adolescent father.



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