Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


The results of research investigating the causal link from shopping centre image to shopping centre patronage have been equivocal. This thesis argues that these equivocal results have been caused by a failure to segment the shoppers on the basis of their degree of shopping involvement.;A survey of 2484 self-designated principal household shoppers in London, Ontario (a response rate of 62.2%) was conducted in the spring of 1988 to evaluate the hypothesis that shopping involvement would moderate the relationship of shopping centre image with shopping centre patronage. An eight-page mail questionnaire was used to collect the data. The data were examined with Partial Least Squares.;The results showed that a priori segmentation using the shopping involvement scale developed for the thesis yielded four segments that differed in the manner in which image influenced patronage. The study demonstrates that shopping involvement moderates the causal path from image to patronage.



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