Healthy Relationships Plus Program Implementation Study | Our Projects | Western University
Healthy Relationships Plus Program Implementation Study
The Healthy Relationship Plus Program (HRPP) applies the same core principles of skill-building and awareness as the Fourth R classroom-based programs, but in a non-classroom setting. This project targets the prevention of violence through the promotion of positive, healthy relationships. Ours is a proactive, competency-enhancement approach rather than a treatment. The HRPP is a small groups program (6-25 youth) and has been enhanced to include a strengthened focus on mental health and suicide prevention and drug and alcohol use. This program is intended for youth between the ages of 12 and 18. We strongly advise that younger youth not be included because the content and strategies were specifically selected for this age group. In the spring of 2014, the Fourth R was awarded a grant through Health Canada’s Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund to implement, evaluate, and scale-up the HRPP across Canada over three years. Through this grant, the Fourth R was able to provide HRPP training, implementation manuals, and ongoing support to program facilitators at no cost to schools or community agencies. During the 2014-2015 school year, more than 1200 youth from Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories participated in the HRPP. We are continuing the implementation of the HRPP during the 2015-2016 school year, with over 40 groups participating so far.


Conference Proceedings


The Healthy Relationships Plus Program: National Implementation Summary, Claire Crooks


Healthy Relationships and Wellbeing among Youth Offenders, Amanda J. Kerry


Teen Relationship Violence and Wellbeing among LGBTQ+ Youth, Alicia A. Lapointe


Implementation, Claire Crooks


What is the Healthy Relationships Plus Program?, Claire Crooks


Youth Outcomes, Claire Crooks



Health Relationships Plus Program Facilitator Implementation Experience Feedback, Debbie G. Chiodo Ms.


Healthy Relationships Plus Program Facilitator Training Feedback, Amanda J. Kerry and Claire Crooks