Computer Science Publications
Multi-Objective Interdependent VM Placement Model based on Cloud Reliability Evaluation
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
IEEE International Conference on Communications
URL with Digital Object Identifier
© 2020 IEEE. Virtual Machine (VM) placement is considered as one of the crucial problems in Cloud Computing environments. From the perspective of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), finding the optimal VM placement strategy is often related to optimal resource utilization, revenue maximization, and energy efficiency. However, to ensure the continuity of customer services, CSPs should also consider the reliability of deployed applications when placing VMs on their infrastructures. Existing research in this area either do not focus on the Cloud reliability evaluation aspect or do not account for the trade-off between reliability and performance in the VM placement process. In this paper, we propose a multi-objective placement model for interdependent VMs in the Cloud that considers both reliability and workload. Reliability in our model is quantitatively evaluated through a set of metrics that we propose. The model involves an Integer Linear Programming problem that aims at maximizing the reliability of the Cloud while minimizing network delay. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is then used to solve the problem heuristically. The proposed model introduces a level of flexibility and its parameters could be adjusted depending on the requirements of the infrastructure and services. The results show that our model achieves high Cloud reliability and allows to effectively control the trade-off between reliability and Quality of Service.