Detail, Lights 1 and 2, from The Ecclesiastical Sonnets or Eleanor Crosydale Jared Memorial Window.
Creation Date
The far left window (Light 1) contains the following scenes from (top to bottom): coat of arms of the Canterbury; “Struggle of the Britons against the Barbarians” (1:x); King Alfred as Saviour of England through Arts and Learning (1:xxvi); The Scattering of Wycliffe’s Ashes by Bishop Fleming (1.xxix); St. John the Divine (kneeling vignette figure); Rural Ceremony (3.xxxii) Light 2: Conjectures (1:ii); The Annunciation; The Crucifixion; Aspects of Christianity in America (3:xiii); The Old Abbeys (Malmesbury, Glastonbury, and Tintern). Location: West Wall. Lead Investigator: C. Cody Barteet (cbarteet@uwo.ca). Photograph: Katie Oates.
Ecclesiastical Sonnets, Doherty, Jared, Memorial, Wallis, Binks, Saint John, Arva, Huron, Stained Glass