Chemistry Publications

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Publication Date

Spring 5-29-2019


Chemistry - A European Journal



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The synthesis of compounds containing multiple bonds to boron has challenged main-group chemists for decades. Despite significant progress, the possibility that the formation of such bonds can turn on photoluminescence has received minimal attention. We report an oxoborane (B=O) complex that is electronically stabilized by a formazanate ligand in the absence of significant steric bulk and, unlike the common BX2 (X = F, Cl) formazanate adducts, exhibits intense photoluminescence. The latter property was rationalized through density-functional calculations which indicated that the B=O bond enhances photoluminescence by drastically reducing differences between the ligand's geometries in the ground and excited states. The title oxoborane compound was synthesized from an air- and moisture-stable BCl2 formazanate complex and subsequently converted to a redox-active boroxine. Each of these species may also serve as a precursor to functional materials.


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This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Maar, R.R.; Hoffman, N.A.; Staroverov, V.N.; Gilroy, J.B.*Oxoborane Formation Turns on Formazanate-Based Photoluminescence” Chemistry – A European Journal 2019, 25, 11015–11019.

which has been published in final form at

. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions."

Funding Information

  • NSERC of Canada. Grant Numbers: DG, RGPIN-2015-04814, DG, RGPIN-2018-04240, CGS-D Scholarship
  • Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Grant Number: JELF, 33977
  • Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. Grant Number: ERA, ER-14-10-147

Citation of this paper:

Maar, R.R.; Hoffman, N.A.; Staroverov, V.N.; Gilroy, J.B.*Oxoborane Formation Turns on Formazanate-Based Photoluminescence” Chemistry – A European Journal 2019, 25, 11015–11019.

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