Brescia Psychology Undergraduate Honours Theses
Date of Award
Spring 4-12-2021
Dr. Christine Tenk
Given the novel learning context induced by COVID-19, the current study sought to characterize Brescia students’ reactions to forced online learning for mandatory courses. Importantly, this study aimed to address gaps in existing literature by combining more commonly studied reactions; Learned Helplessness and Mastery Orientation, and a less commonly studied reaction, Psychological Reactance and examine their relationship between multiple indicators of academic success including perceived learning, course satisfaction, and final course grade. Female students in second year mandatory psychology and sociology courses participated in the study by completing two online surveys administered via Qualtrics. The Early Course Survey measured demographics, Psychological Reactance, Mastery Orientation, and Learned Helplessness, and the Late Course Survey measured perceived learning, course satisfaction, and final course grade. Psychological Reactance was significantly negatively correlated with perceived learning. There were no significant relationships between psychological reactions, including Mastery Orientation and Learned Helplessness, and academic success.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Sluys, Emily S., "Exploring Learner and Classroom Characteristics in the Online Classroom During COVID-19" (2021). Brescia Psychology Undergraduate Honours Theses. 39.