The Brain and Mind Institute is recognized as one of the world’s leading research institutes in cognitive neuroscience and aims to understand how the brain allows us to perceive the world, makes sense of what we see and hear, remember the past and plan for the future, communicate our thoughts to others, choose goals, plan actions and carry those actions out.


Submissions from 2018


In search of the engram, 2017, Eva Berlot, Nicola J. Popp, and Jörn Diedrichsen


Animacy and real-world size shape object representations in the human medial temporal lobes, Anna Blumenthal, Bobby Stojanoski, Chris B. Martin, Rhodri Cusack, and Stefan Köhler

Beyond the evoked/intrinsic neural process dichotomy, Taylor Bolt and Michael L. Anderson


Universal Features in Phonological Neighbor Networks, Kevin S. Brown, Paul D. Allopenna, William R. Hunt, Rachael Steiner, Elliot Saltzman, Ken McRae, and James Magnuson


Editorial introduction: The 6th International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Blake E. Butler, Yale E. Cohen, and Stephen G. Lomber


Cortical and thalamic connectivity to the second auditory cortex of the cat is resilient to the onset of deafness., Blake E Butler, Alexandra de la Rua, Taylor Ward-Able, and Stephen G Lomber


Modified Origins of Cortical Projections to the Superior Colliculus in the Deaf: Dispersion of Auditory Efferents., Blake E Butler, Julia K Sunstrum, and Stephen G Lomber


Multimodal neuroimaging approach to variability of functional connectivity in disorders of consciousness: A PET/MRI pilot study, Carlo Cavaliere, Sivayini Kandeepan, Marco Aiello, Demetrius Ribeiro De Paula, Rocco Marchitelli, Salvatore Fiorenza, Mario Orsini, Luigi Trojano, Orsola Masotta, Keith St Lawrence, Vincenzo Loreto, Blaine Alexander Chronik, Emanuele Nicolai, Andrea Soddu, and Anna Estraneo


Human neuroimaging reveals the subcomponents of grasping, reaching and pointing actions., Cristiana Cavina-Pratesi, Jason D Connolly, Simona Monaco, Teresa D Figley, A David Milner, Thomas Schenk, and Jody C Culham


What Role Does "Elongation" Play in "Tool-Specific" Activation and Connectivity in the Dorsal and Ventral Visual Streams?, Juan Chen, Jacqueline C. Snow, Jody C. Culham, and Melvyn A. Goodale


Animal models of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: The past, present, and future, Brian D. Corneil and Aaron J. Camp


Mathematical Abilities in Children with Developmental Language Disorder, Alexandra M. Cross, Lisa M.D. Archibald, and Marc F. Joanisse


Circe’s Victims: Are We Too Easily Seduced by the Siren Song of Mathematical Physics?, Mark Daley


From Helmut Jürgensen's Former Students: The Game of Informatics Research, Mark Daley


Frontal eye field inactivation reduces saccade preparation in the superior colliculus but does not alter how preparatory activity relates to saccades of a given latency, Suryadeep Dash, Tyler R. Peel, Stephen G. Lomber, and Brian D. Corneil


Disorganized gyrification network properties during the transition to psychosis, Tushar Das, Stefan Borgwardt, Daniel J. Hauke, Fabienne Harrisberger, Undine E. Lang, Anita Riecher-Rössler, Lena Palaniyappan, and André Schmidt


Putative astroglial dysfunction in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of H-MRS studies of medial prefrontal myo-inositol, Tushar Kanti Das, Avyarthana Dey, Priyadharshini Sabesan, Alborz Javadzadeh, Jean Théberge, Joaquim Radua, and Lena Palaniyappan


Putative astroglial dysfunction in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of H-MRS studies of medial prefrontal myo-inositol, Tushar Kanti Das, Avyarthana Dey, Priyadharshini Sabesan, Alborz Javadzadeh, Jean Théberge, Joaquim Radua, and Lena Palaniyappan


Unfolding the hippocampus: An intrinsic coordinate system for subfield segmentations and quantitative mapping, Jordan DeKraker, Kayla M. Ferko, Jonathan C. Lau, Stefan Köhler, and Ali R. Khan


Pattern component modeling: A flexible approach for understanding the representational structure of brain activity patterns, Jörn Diedrichsen, Atsushi Yokoi, and Spencer A. Arbuckle


Acute inhibition of estradiol synthesis impacts vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation and cerebellar long-term potentiation in male rats, Cristina V. Dieni, Aldo Ferraresi, Jacqueline A. Sullivan, Sivarosa Grassi, Vito E. Pettorossi, and Roberto Panichi


17 beta-estradiol synthesis modulates cerebellar dependent motor memory formation in adult male rats, Cristina V. Dieni, Jacqueline A. Sullivan, Mario Faralli, Samuele Contemori, Andrea Biscarini, Vito E. Pettorossi, and Roberto Panichi


Multifaceted brain networks reconfiguration in disorders of consciousness uncovered by co-activation patterns, Carol Di Perri, Enrico Amico, Lizette Heine, Jitka Annen, Charlotte Martial, Stephen Karl Larroque, Andrea Soddu, Daniele Marinazzo, and Steven Laureys


Early Procedural Pain Is Associated with Regionally-Specific Alterations in Thalamic Development in Preterm Neonates., Emma G Duerden, Ruth E Grunau, Ting Guo, Justin Foong, Alexander Pearson, Stephanie Au-Young, Raphael Lavoie, M Mallar Chakravarty, Vann Chau, Anne Synnes, and Steven P Miller


Early Procedural Pain Is Associated with Regionally-Specific Alterations in Thalamic Development in Preterm Neonates., Emma G Duerden, Ruth E Grunau, Ting Guo, Justin Foong, Alexander Pearson, Stephanie Au-Young, Raphael Lavoie, M Mallar Chakravarty, Vann Chau, Anne Synnes, and Steven P Miller