Bone and Joint Institute

Analysis of the process parameters affecting the bone burring process: An in-vitro porcine study

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International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

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© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: A stable bone burring process, which avoids thermal osteonecrosis and minimizes harmful vibrations, is important for certain orthopedic surgical procedures, and especially relevant to robot-operated bone burring systems. Methods: An experimental characterization of the effects of several bone burring process parameters was performed. Burring parameters were evaluated by resultant bone temperature, tool vibration, and burring force. Results: An optimal combination of bone burring parameters produced minimums in both bone temperature (<40°C) and tool vibration (<4 g-rms). A cylindrical burr, oriented normal to the specimen, resulted in significantly higher temperatures (50.8 ± 6.8°C) compared with a spherical burr (33.5 ± 4.3°C) (P =.008). Regardless of the parameters tested, burring forces were less than 10 N. Conclusions: The recommended configuration, which minimized both bone temperature and vibrations experimentally, was a 6-mm spherical burr at 15 000 rpm with a 2 mm/s feed rate.

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