4DCT Ventilation Map Construction Using Biomechanics-base Image Registration and Enhanced Air Segmentation.
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Conference Proceeding
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Conference Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
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Current lung radiation therapy (RT) treatment planning algorithms used in most centers assume homogeneous lung function. However, co-existing pulmonary dysfunctions present in many non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, particularly smokers, cause regional variations in both perfusion and ventilation, leading to inhomogeneous lung function. An adaptive RT treatment planning that deliberately avoids highly functional lung regions can potentially reduce pulmonary toxicity and morbidity. The ventilation component of lung function can be measured using a variety of techniques. Recently, 4DCT ventilation imaging has emerged as a cost-effective and accessible method. Current 4DCT ventilation calculation methods, including the intensity-based and Jacobian models, suffer from inaccurate estimations of air volume distribution and unreliability of intensity-based image registration algorithms. In this study, we propose a novel method that utilizes a biomechanical model-based registration along with an accurate air segmentation algorithm to calculate 4DCT ventilation maps. The results show a successful development of ventilation maps using the proposed method.
Citation of this paper:
P. Jafari, B. P. Yaremko, G. Parraga, D. A. Hoover, A. Sadeghi-Naini and A. Samani, "4DCT Ventilation Map Construction Using Biomechanics-base Image Registration and Enhanced Air Segmentation," 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019, pp. 6263-6266.
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