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European Journal of Radiology Open



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OBJECTIVE: In this prospectively planned interim-analysis, the prevalence of chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) phenotypes was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) in non-small-cell-lung-cancer (NSCLC) patients.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Stage-III-NSCLC patients provided written informed consent for pulmonary function tests, imaging and the 6-min-walk-test. Ventilation defect percent (VDP) and CT lung density (relative-of-CT-density-histogram

RESULTS: Seventeen stage-III NSCLC patients were evaluated (68 ± 7 years, 7 M/10 F, mean FEV1 = 77%pred) including seven current and 10 ex-smokers and eight patients with a prior lung disease diagnosis. There was a significant difference for smoking history (p = .02) and FEV1/FVC (p = .04) for subgroups classified using quantitative imaging. Patient subgroups classified using qualitative imaging findings were significantly different for emphysema (RA950, p < .001). There were significant relationships for whole-lung VDP (p < .05), but not RECIST or tumour-lobe VDP measurements with pulmonary function and exercise measurements. Preliminary analysis for non-tumour burden ventilation abnormalities using Reader-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves reflected a 94% classification rate for smoking pack-years, 93% for FEV1/FVC and 82% for RA950. ROC sensitivity/specificity/positive/negative likelihood ratios were also generated for pack-years, (0.92/0.80/4.6/0.3), FEV1/FVC (0.92/0.80/4.6/0.3), RA950 (0.92/0.80/4.6/0.3) and RECIST (0.58/0.80/2.9/1.1).

CONCLUSIONS: In this prospectively planned interim-analysis of a larger clinical trial, NSCLC patients were classified based on COPD imaging phenotypes. A proof-of-concept evaluation showed that FEV1/FVC and smoking history identified NSCLC patients with ventilation abnormalities appropriate for functional lung avoidance radiotherapy.


This is a open copy of an article published by Elsevier in the European Journal of Radiology Open. The final published version is available at:

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