AFLA XVI 2009 | Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA)

Chung, Sandy, Daniel Finer, Ileana Paul, and Eric Postdam (ed.). Proceedings of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA). University of California, Santa Cruz, 2009.

The 16th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association was held at University of California, Santa Cruz in Mai 1-3, 2009.


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Another look at no: Pseudo-clefts and temporal clauses in Malagasy

Matt Pearson, Reed College

Backward control in Samoan

Vincent Homer, University of California, Los Angeles / École normale supérieure, Paris

Bare nouns, incorporation, and scope

Ileana Paul, University of Western Ontario

Direct adjectival modification in Javanese

Jozina Vander Klok, McGill University

Hili-Clauses: Insights into Tongan nominalization

Douglas Ball, Truman State University

Movement and locality in Sundanese Wh-Questions

William D. Davies, University of Iowa
Eri Kurniawan, University of Iowa / Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

News about the no-phrase specificational pseudoclefts in Malagasy

Laura Kalin, University of California, Los Angeles

On downward-entailing existentials and differential object marking in Palauan

Justin Nuger, University of California, Santa Cruz

On the left periphery in Indonesian

Catherine Fortin, Carleton College

Radical underspecification, general number and nominal mapping in Indonesian

Yosuke Sato, University of British Columbia / National University of Singapore

The structure of (un)ergatives

Diane Massam, University of Toronto

The Tagalog copula

Norvin Richards, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Two types of anticausatives in Acehnese

Seongyeon Ko, Cornell University

Voice determines co-argument anaphora in W. Austronesian

Edward L. Keenan, University of California, Los Angeles

Voice, agree and locality in Paiwan

Chao-Lin Li, National Tsinghua University