Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


Dr. Craig Hall


Approximately two-thirds of the Canadian population are not sufficiently active to gain healthbenefits. Ofparticularinterest,womenbelongingtoethnicminoritygroupshave been found to have lower rates of participation in physical activity than Caucasian women, the former comprise an extremely inactive segment of the population. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether a goal-setting physical activity intervention could positively influence leisure time physical activity adherence and self- efficacy among minority women. Ninety-seven ethnic minority women from the London, Ontario community enrolled in the study and seventeen participants withdrew (an overall attrition rate of 17.53%). Repeated measures ANOVAs carried out on the adherence measures revealed significant declines in adherence over the course of the intervention. However, both coping self-efficacy and cardiovascular fitness increased significantly from baseline to the end of the intervention. It was concluded that a 6-week home-based goal-setting intervention can possibly reduce attrition from a physical

activity intervention as well as increase self-efficacy scores



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