Rotman Events and Speakers Series
Submissions from 2012
How Many Philosophers Does it Take to Haul a Ship? Thoughts on the Philosophical Reception of Ancient Greek Mechanics, Sylvia Berryman
Evidence, Argument and Mixed Methods, Nancy Cartwright
Wiser Use of Social Science, Wiser Wishes, Wiser Policies, Nancy Cartwright
Submissions from 2011
Unity, Change, and What There Is, Katherine Brading
Bodily Immunity to Error, Frederique de Vignemont
Six Signs of Scientism, Susan Haack
Should Probabilities be Countably Additive?, Colin Howson
Three Concepts of Cause in Newton's Thought, Part 1, Andrew Janiak
Three Concepts of Cause in Newton's Thought, Part 2, Andrew Janiak
GMOs and Policy in a Complex, Diverse World, Sandra Mitchell
The Difference Between Ice Cream and Nazis: The Evolutionary Function of Moral Projection, Kyle Stanford
Submissions from 2010
Closing Remarks (Conceptions of Empirical Success Conference), Department of Philosophy, The University of Western Ontario
Opening Remarks (Conceptions of Empirical Success Conference), Department of Philosophy, The University of Western Ontario
Supertasks, John Earman
Friday Round Table Panel (Conceptions of Empirical Success Conference), John Earman, Rhonda Martens, George Smith, and Curtis Wilson
Epistemic Expressivism, Allan Gibbard
Saturday Round Table Panel (Conceptions of Empirical Success Conference), Allan Gibbard, Alan Hájek, Jim Joyce, and Brian Skyrms
A Plea for the Improbable, Alan Hájek
Ratifiability in Casual Decision Theory, Jim Joyce
Alienation and Its Dangers, Philip Kitcher
Authority, Responsibility, and Democracy, Philip Kitcher
The Experiential Origins of Intentionality, Uriah Kriegel
U-Fertility, Rhonda Martens
Rotman Institute Opening, Joseph Rotman, Janice Deakin, Jane Maienschein, Charles Weijer, and Philip Kitcher
Equilibrium Selection in Signalling Games, Brian Skyrms