Nursing Publications
Evaluating iris scanning technology to link data related to homelessness and other disadvantaged populations with mental illness and addiction
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
10898 LNCS
First Page
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URL with Digital Object Identifier
The overall objectives of this research were to assess the functionality of iris scanning technology in a community setting and to evaluate the acceptability to shelter clients of using iris scanning as a form of identification. In order to assess the feasibility of implementing iris scanners in a shelter setting, the research team documented the number of people who agreed to be scanned, the number of people who declined, and the number of successful scans completed. The research team collected 200 scans over the course of 3 visits. A second iris scan was requested of 50 individuals to allow the research team to assess whether the technology accurately identifies someone over a period of time. The results indicate that most people found the technology acceptable, and that the number identifier was consistent over repeated scans.