Nursing Publications
The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange Quality, Empowerment, and Core Self-evaluation on Nurse Manager's Job Satisfaction
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Journal of Nursing Administration
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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to test a theoretical model linking nurse managers' perceptions of the quality of the relationship with their supervisors, and empowerment to job satisfaction, and to examine the effect of a personal dispositional variable, core self-evaluation, on the relationships among these variables.
BACKGROUND DATA: Nursing leadership roles have been transformed as a result of dramatic changes within healthcare in the past decade, yet research on the nature of nurse manager work life in current work environments is limited.
METHODS: A nonexperimental, predictive design was used in a sample of 141 hospital-based nurse managers obtained from a provincial registry.
RESULTS: Approximately 40.4% of the variance in job satisfaction was explained by leader-member exchange quality (LMX), empowerment, and core self-evaluation.
CONCLUSION: Higher quality relationships with their immediate supervisor were associated with greater manager structural and psychological empowerment and, consequently, greater job satisfaction. Core self-evaluation played a strong significant role, affecting all components of the model. The results suggest that both situational and personal factors are important determinants of satisfying work environments for nurse managers.
Published in: Journal of Nursing Administration, May 2007, Volume 37, Issue 5, p. 221-229. doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000269746.63007.08