Winter 2011 | Migration and Ethnic Relations Colloquium Series
Thursday, January 6th
4:00 PM

Fortress Canada: Circling the Wagons against Asylum-Seekers

Peter Showler, University of Ottawa

4:00 PM

Thursday, January 20th
4:00 PM

International Migration in the Age of Globalization: Implications and Challenges

Peter S. Li, University of Saskatchewan

4:00 PM

Thursday, February 3rd
4:00 PM

New Mobilities, Old Displacements: Protracted Refugee Situations in Theory and (Canadian) Practice

Jennifer Hyndman, York University

4:00 PM

Thursday, March 17th
4:00 PM

The Disappearance of the Drakensberg San

Gary Warrick, Wilfrid Laurier University

4:00 PM

Thursday, March 31st
4:00 PM

Latin American and Hispanic Artistic Representations of Afro in the Globalization

Eduard Alberto Arriaga, The University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM

Negotiating Identity through Public Spaces in the Netherlands

Jennifer Long, The University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM

One Justice Fits All? Examining Cross-Cultural Differences in Perceptions of Justice

Caroline Bennet-AbuAyyash, The University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM

Resettlement and The Crisis of Identity

Secil Erdogan, The University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM