Winter 2010 | Migration and Ethnic Relations Colloquium Series
Thursday, March 11th
4:00 PM

Creative Approaches to Providing Inclusive Services

Dharshi Lacey, London Intercommunity Health Centre

4:00 PM

Thursday, March 25th
4:00 PM

Understanding Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board through Romani Cases and Issues

Julianna Butler, The University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM

4:45 PM

Creating Multiculturalism: Legislating Racial and Ethnic Identities in Canada

Christopher Stuart Taylor, The University of Western Ontario

4:45 PM

Thursday, April 8th
4:00 PM

Social Harmony versus Social Change? Majority and Minority Perspectives on Common Identity

John F. Dovidio, Yale University

4:00 PM

Thursday, April 15th
4:00 PM

From Workers to Entrepreneurs: The Development of Bangladeshi Migrant Businesses in East Asia

Mizanur Rahman, National University of Singapore

4:00 PM