Winter 2009 | Migration and Ethnic Relations Colloquium Series
Thursday, January 15th
4:00 PM

Everyone's a Critic: Addressing Criticisms of Multiculturalism and Immigration

John Biles, Metropolis Project

4:00 PM

Thursday, January 29th
4:00 PM

Nonprofits on the Move in London: Creating Inclusive and Diverse Nonprofit Organizations

Michelle Baldwin, Pillar Nonprofit Network

4:00 PM

Thursday, February 12th
4:00 PM

Refugees, Health and Trauma: Barriers to Resettlement

Jennifer Mills, Cross Cultural Learner Centre

4:00 PM

Thursday, February 26th
4:00 PM

Xenophobia’s Silver Lining: Explaining Peace in the Aftermath of Communism

Stephen M. Saideman, McGill University

4:00 PM

Thursday, March 26th
4:00 PM

To Be an Immigrant: Generation, Location and Negotiation

Kay Deaux, University of Western Ontario

4:00 PM

Thursday, May 7th
4:00 PM

Migrant Domestic Workers in Asia: The Case of Singapore

Kayoko Ueno, University of Tokushima, Japan

4:00 PM