Department of Medicine Presentations
With presentations on immunology and allergy, endocrinology and metabolism, hematology and, respirology across the life span, this collection highlights the research and advancements of the Department of Medicine.
Submissions from 2011
Skin Prick Testing with Extensively Heated Milk or Egg Products Helps Predict the Outcome of an Oral Food Challenge: A Retrospective Analysis, Zein Faraj and Harold L. Kim
Vitamin D Levels in Peanut Allergic Children, Adam Fowlie, Laura Kim, Trefford Simpson, and Harold Kim
Asthma in Canada: Perceptions and Behaviours, Harold Kim, Paolo Renzi, and Malcolm Sears
Lorelei Lingard on Silence, Lorelei Lingard
Submissions from 2010
Likelihood of Adrenaline Auto-injectors Being Mis-prescribed by Primary Care Physicians, David A. Fischer
Likelihood of Stachybotyrs Atra Sensitization in Canadian Populations, David A. Fischer and Kim H. L. Barrie
The Utility of Using Fiberoptic Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Nasal Polyps, Ruth Ko, M. Cottrill, and H. K. Kim
Allergic Rhinitis in the Primary Care Setting: Patient Practice Reflective, Peter Small, Remi Gagnon, Harold Kim, Renata Rea, and Nazli Topors
Never the Twain Shall Meet? Interspecialty Bioethics Education and Practice in Relation to Informed Consent for Surgery-related Anesthesia, Kyoko Wada and Abraham Rudnick
Conceptual Problems in Research Ethics, Charles Weijer
Submissions from 2009
Ethical Challenges in ICU Research, Charles Weijer
When Can Physicians Say “No” to Families and Patients?, Charles Weijer
Submissions from 2006
Revisiting the Ethics of HIV Prevention Research in Developing Countries, Charles Weijer and Guy LeBlanc
Submissions from 2005
Increased Leukocyte Transit Times through Capillaries Contributes to Maldistribution of Flow, T. Jeganathan, G. Fraser, D. Goldman, M. Sharpe, and C. Ellis
Submissions from 2004
Microvascular Oxygen Transport Abnormalities in Experimental Sepsis Interpreted Using a Computational Model, C. Ellis, D. Goldman, R. Bateman, and M. Sharpe
Burden of Illness in ThromboEmbolism in Critical Care (BITEC) Study: A Multicenter Canadian Study, R. Patel, L. Griffith, M. Mead, S. Mehta, R. Hodder, C. Martin, D. Heyland, J. Marshall, G. Rocker, S. Peters, F. Clarke, E. McDonald, M. Soth, J. Muscadere, N. Campbell, G. Guyatt, and D. Cook
Raynaud's Phenomenon Secondary to Rheumatoid Arthritis May Be Predictive of More Erosive Disease, J. E. Pope and J. Al-beshri
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug Use May Be Protective to Cartilage in Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee, J. E. Pope, A. Stevens, K. McCrea, and J. Ouimet
Submissions from 2000
Clinical Equipoise and RCT Design, Charles Weijer