Mechanical and Materials Engineering Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Evaluating the accuracy of methods used for reverse engineering hand geometries for 3D printed splinting, Ajay Kumar Balaji
Analyses For Assessing The Centreline Translation, Asymmetrical Wind-Field, And Velocity Fluctuations Of Tornado Vortices, Niall C. Bannigan
An Analysis of Primary Stability of Stemless Humeral Implants in Shoulder Arthroplasty, David Cunningham
Analysis of flood risk in the Chignecto Isthmus, SeyedehMaliheh Etesami
The micromechanics of notched zirconium polycrystals, Karim Louca
Advanced interface design for electrode materials in high energy-density lithium-ion batteries, Jinjin Ma
Deep learning for inverse design of nanophotonic structures, Didulani A D Salwathura Acharige
Modeling thermosyphon and heat pipe performance for mold cooling applications, Dwaipayan Sarkar
Using Open Source Compression Molding and Vacuum Forming to Incentivize Localized Recycling: An Integrated Thermoforming Solution, Morgan C. Woods
Development of a Novel Direct Ink Writable, Skin-mounted, Wearable Strain Sensor for Human Motion Monitoring, Xiaohan Wu
Intelligent Digital Twin for Optimizing Warehouse Operations: Embedded Optimization Components for Enhanced Order-Picking Efficiency, Amir ZarinchangMokalla
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dynamic Characterization-based Structural Optimization and Model Order Reduction for Axisymmetric Shell Resonators, Yoshika Alahakoon
Patterned Heating Induced Propulsion, Saajid A. Aman
Interplay of Forces in Impinging Jet Flow and Circular Hydraulic Jump, Abdelkader Baayoun
Flow Characterization over Biomimetic Fish Scale Arrays, Isaac NR Clapp Mr.
Investigation of Thermofluid Processes in a PCM Based Thermal Storage Module, Luca M. Crnjac
From Understanding to Performance: Interface Design of Anode-Free Batteries, Kieran Michael Doyle-Davis
Effect of morphology and an upstream tall building on a street canyon flow, Haoran Du
Numerical modeling and simulation on deformation and failure behaviors of polymeric materials, Heng Feng
Characterizing TKR Biomechanics using a Novel Muscle-Driven Joint Motion Simulator, Alexandre Galley
Review of Current Helmet Products and Exploration of New Designs Through Computational Modelling, Carter CH Goan
A Study of Drag Reduction and Fouling Resistance on Bioinspired Surfaces with Functional Structures, Benjamin W. Hamilton University of Western Ontario
An Investigation into Computational Modelling of Melting and Solidification of Phase Change Materials, Maryam Hemmat
Mechanistic Insights into High Performance All-Solid-State Li-S Batteries, Jung Tae Kim
Development of Pulsed Laser Deposited TiO2, ZnO and AZO Thin UV-Protection Films for Enhanced Perovskite Photostability, Kate Lochhead
Effect of ion irradiation on the rate dependence of plastic deformation of extruded Zr-2.5%Nb, Konrad P. Mazurkiewicz
Mechanical response of the craniofacial skeleton to subfracture impacts in the time and frequency domains, Paige Merko
Control of Shear Layers Using Heating Patterns, Shoyon Panday
Performance Recovery of Scale Reduced Cyclone Particle Separators using a Rotating Classifier, Mark J. Parker
Using Statistics, Computational Modelling and Artificial Intelligence Methods to Study and Strengthen the Link between Kinematic Impacts and mTBIs, Andrew Luke McConnell Patterson
Interface Design and Engineering for Sodium Metal Anode, Parham Pirayesh
Head impact effects in Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (sRPAS) collisions: Gender specific risks and vulnerable population protection, MD Farhan Hoque Sagar
Development of Force-Space Navigation Systems in Robotic Surgery Applications, Corey Daniel Smith
Experimental Investigation of the Phase Change Process within Circular Geometries, Kyle Teather
Microstructure-informed modeling of hydrogen diffusion in zirconium polycrystals, Alireza Tondro
Impinging Jet Flow and Hydraulic Jump of Newtonian and Viscoplastic Liquids, Wenxi Wang
Numerical Studies of Drag Forces on Drainage Plows, Yuanyi Xu
Experimental and Simulation Study of Reactive Silver Ink Droplet Evaporation, Weipeng Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluation of clamp-on ultrasonic liquid flowmeters, Muhammad Ali
A numerical method for studying the effectiveness of polyurethane foam as personal protective equipment material, Lamia Tahsin Aroni
The Effects of a Porous Internal Lattice Design on The Articular Contact Mechanics of Radial Head Hemiarthroplasty Implants, Jessica Benitah
An Investigation of Porous Materials for the Capture of Concentrated Solar Energy, Elizabeth Blokker
Integrated CAD/CAM Framework for Single Point Diamond Cutting of V-groove Based Functional Microstructures, Jonas Tanner Churchill-Baird
Material Characterization of Compression Molded Composites, Broderic Clement-Thorne
Development of High Performance Cathodes: From Liquid to Solid-State Batteries, Sixu Deng
Finite Element Analysis of Conductive Carbon-Based Thin Films Modified by Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Processing, Andrew Dwyre
Quantification of Flows Emerging From Small Pores in Plane Walls, Matia Peter Edwards
Cooling Systems Analysis for Plastic Mold Injection Tools, Veronica Flores Quijada
Carbon Nanotube-based Microscale Capacitive Flow Sensors, Nathaniel Holmes
Enhanced performance of 3D electroactive polymer transducers via hierarchical structures, Frederick B. Holness
Numerical Analysis of Internal Hydraulic Jump in Complex Topography, Dylan MacRiner
Diffusion-Dependent Electrodes for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries, Peiman Mardani
Parametric Modeling, Analysis, Classification, and Optimization of the Laser Polishing Process with Respect to the Working Distance, Samer Meshreqy
Alternating-flank Cutting Strategy (AFCS) for Burr Minimization in Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting (USPC), Otoniel F. Rangel
A dislocation-based crystal plasticity model for hexagonal close-packed polycrystals, Omid Sedaghat
Computational Modelling of Resin Infiltration and Curing in High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding, Anthony Paul Rexford Sherratt
Damage in Non-Crimp Fabric carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites under various mechanical loading conditions, Aaditya Pradeep Suratkar
Development of a two-axis cyclic loading device for mechanical testing of glenoid component fixation, Cintya Tavares
Solid Electrolytes and Interface Design for High-Performance All-Solid-State Batteries, Shumin Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Non-Circular Hydraulic Jumps Due to Inclined Jets, Ahmed Mohamed Abdelaziz
The Design and Characterization of Advanced Li Metal Anodes for Next-Generation Batteries, Keegan R. Adair
Preliminary Investigations of High-Speed Thermographic Imaging for the Monitoring of the Laser Polishing Process, Jack A. Beyfuss
Characterization of Material for Composite Automotive Components, Thomas J. Chang
Finite Element Analysis of Assembly for Warped Composite Automotive Components, Theogenes De Oliveira Maia
Biomechanical Analysis of Commotio Cordis in Children's Baseball - A Computational Approach, Grant J. Dickey
Development of a Wearable Haptic Feedback Device for Upper Limb Prosthetics through Sensory Substitution, Marco B.S. Gallone
3D Printing Technology Applied in Lithium Metal Batteries: From Liquid to Solid., Xuejie Gao
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Class of Ring-based Angular Rate Sensing and Energy Harvesting Systems, Ibrahim F Abdelhamid Gebrel
Data and Sensor Fusion Using FMG, sEMG and IMU Sensors for Upper Limb Prosthesis Control, Jason S. Gharibo
Significance of the vehicle front design and gait postures on traumatic brain injuries sustained by different pedestrian populations during car-to-pedestrian collisions (CPCs) - A computational approach, Thava Kalishwara Kumar Gunasekaran
Discontinuous Fiber Vacuum Assisted Compression Molding, Bennet Heidenreich
Significance of the Neck in Concussive Head Impacts – A Computational Approach, Sakib Ul Islam
Experimental simulation of a density-driven downburst translating within a turbulent boundary layer, Shivani Ashitkumar Jariwala
Composite Compression Co-moulding: a Warpage Reduction Investigation, David Knezevic
Numerical Simulation And Scaling Of Thunderstorm Downburst Outflows, Cristiano Andre Rodrigues Kondo
A Multi-level Mechanical Assessment of the Shoulder Coupled with Evaluation of Upper Extremity Predictive Finite Element Models, Jonathan Kusins
Developing multi-species brain-strain-based scaling law using finite element analysis., Xingyu Liu
Complicating factors in hydraulic jumps: the effects of earth's rotation, Muveno Pascoal Elias Mucaza