Volume 6, Issue 4 (2015)
Special Feature
Tourism in Indigenous Communities: Challenges and Opportunities
“I Don't Think that Any Peer Review Committee . . . Would Ever ‘Get’ What I Currently Do”: How Institutional Metrics for Success and Merit Risk Perpetuating the (Re)production of Colonial Relationships in Community-Based Participatory Research Involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Heather Castleden, Paul Sylvestre, Debbie Martin, and Mary McNally
Indigenous Tourism and Social Entrepreneurship in the Bolivian Amazon: Lessons from San Miguel del Bala
Bernardo Peredo and Samuel Wurzelmann
Transforming Tourists and "Culturalising Commerce": Indigenous Tourism at Bawaka in Northern Australia
Kate Lloyd, Sandie Suchet-Pearson, Sarah Wright, Matalena Tofa, Claire Rowland, Laklak Burarrwanga, Ritjilili Ganambarr, Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr, Banbapuy Ganambarr, and Djawundil Maymuru
Past and Present Perspectives on Indigenous Tourism in the Pastaza Province of Ecuador: The Case of Kapawi
Bernardo Peredo, Andres Ordóñez, and Viola Belohrad
Aboriginal Tourism as Sustainable Social-Environmental Enterprise (SSEE): A Tlingit Case Study from Southeast Alaska
Paphaphit Wanasuk and Thomas F. Thornton
Hunter-Gatherers’ Self-Governance: Untying the Traditional Authority of Chiefs from the Western Toba Civil Association
Marcela Mendoza

Special Feature:Tourism in Indigenous Communities: Challenges and Opportunities
Feature Articles
Bernardo Peredo & Samuel Wurzelmann. Indigenous Tourism and Social Entrepreneurship in the Bolivian Amazon: Lessons from San Miguel del Bala.
Kate Lloyd et al. Transforming Tourists and "Culturalising Commerce": Indigenous Tourism at Bawaka in Northern Australia
Bernardo Peredo, Andres Ordóñez, & Viola Belohrad. Past and Present Perspectives on Indigenous Tourism in the Pastaza Province of Ecuador: The Case of Kapawi.