Volume 6, Issue 3 (2015)
Leashes and Lies: Navigating the Colonial Tensions of Institutional Ethics of Research Involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Martha L. Stiegman and Heather Castleden
The Streamlining of the Kabinakagami River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Assessment: What is the "Duty to Consult" with Other Impacted Aboriginal Communities When the Co-Proponent of the Project is an Aboriginal Community?
Holly L. Gardner, Denis Kirchhoff, and Leonard J. Tsuji
Digital Data Management as Indigenous Resurgence in Kahnawà:ke
Rob McMahon, Tim LaHache, and Tim Whiteduck
Insights and Opportunities: Challenges of Canadian First Nations Drinking Water Operators
Heather M. Murphy, Elliott Corston-Pine, Yvonne Post, and Edward A. McBean
Engaging Maori in Biobanking and Genetic Research: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Challenges
Angela Beaton, Barry Smith, Valmaine Toki, Kim Southey, and Maui Hudson
Biocultural Rights: A New Paradigm for Protecting Natural and Cultural Resources of Indigenous Communities
Cher Weixia Chen and Michael Gilmore
Priority Setting in Indigenous Health: Why We Need an Explicit Decision Making Approach
Michael E. Otim, Ranmalie Jayasinha, Margaret Kelaher, Edward Shane Houston, Ian P. Anderson, and Stephen Jan

- Editor-in-Chief
- Jerry P. White
- Managing Editor
- Susan Wingert