Volume 3, Issue 3 (2012) Water and Indigenous Peoples
Welcome to the International Indigenous Policy Journal. We are very pleased to publish this special edition of the journal on Water and Indigenous Peoples.
When we look around the globe, we find that access to clean, safe water is in issue for Indigenous communities around the world, regardless of whether we are talking about developing or developed nations. The comment element among these diverse peoples is colonialism and its impacts. The articles contained here make many important observations and draw our attention to many important policy questions. They highlight the complexities and challenges associated with water in Indigenous communities.
We hope these articles will spark interest, discussion, debate, and collaboration. How problems are approached and the building of lasting and meaningful partnerships will be important in determining how successful we are in solving the problems associated with ensuring safe water.
We hope you enjoy this special issue.
Jerry P. White
Susan Wingert
Managing Editor
Letter from the Editor
Guest Editors' Introduction
Daniel Shrubsole and Laura Murphy
Cost Implications of Hard Water on Health Hardware in Remote Indigenous Communities in the Central Desert Region of Australia
Heather Browett, Meryl Pearce, and Eileen M. Willis
Multi-Barrier Protection of Drinking Water Systems in Ontario: A Comparison of First Nation and Non-First Nation Communities
Dan Walters, Nicholas Spence, Kayli Kuikman, and Budhendra Singh
“Is it Safe?” Risk Perception and Drinking Water in a Vulnerable Population
Nicholas Spence and Dan Walters
Are We Seeking Pimatisiwin or Creating Pomewin? Implications for Water Policy
Patti LaBoucane-Benson, Ginger Gibson, Allen Benson, and Greg Miller
Water and Indigenous Peoples: Canada’s Paradox
Jerry P. White, Laura Murphy, and Nicholas Spence
Contested Territories: Water Rights and the Struggles over Indigenous Livelihoods
Rutgerd Boelens, Bibiana Duarte, Rossana Manosalvas, Patricio Mena, Tatinana Roa Avendaño, and Juana Vera
Modernising Water: Articulating Custom in Water Governance in Australia and East Timor
Sue E. Jackson and Lisa R. Palmer

- Editor-in-Chief
- Jerry White
- Managing Editorr
- Susan Wingert
Special Issue: Water and Indigenous Peoples
- Guest Editors
- Daniel Shrubsole
- Laura Murphy