Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Integrated Article


Master of Engineering Science


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Collaborative Specialization

Environment and Sustainability


Berruti, Franco

2nd Supervisor

Klinghoffer, Naomi



The alteration of temperature patterns around the world has become noticeable in the recent decade. Sea level rise, wildfires, and high temperatures have made people realize that climate change is affecting humans more tangibly than ever. Therefore, the United Nations have pushed to make policies to mitigate this problematic situation. This research investigated the production of biochar from agricultural waste through pyrolysis for fighting climate change and adding value to waste. Experiments in a laboratory scale reactor were conducted to obtain yields of pyrolytic products. Then, analysis of products provided data for characterization and the LCA of the tomato plant and sunflower residue. Finally, the Puro Earth methodology assessed the potential of them as a source of carbon credits. Different parameters and scenarios showed that it is possible to obtain carbon credits from this process which could lead to the development of the blueprint to create value from agricultural waste.

Summary for Lay Audience

Pyrolysis technology is a thermochemical process that converts organic and inorganic materials into other products. Materials are exposed to high temperatures in an inert environment. This allows the production of chemicals, biofuels, gas, and biochar. In this research, Pyrolysis was used to valorize agricultural residue. The intention is to produce biochar and use the pyrolytic fluids for a self-sustainable process. That produced biochar’s final purpose is to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere along as a soil conditioner. The carbon sequestration characteristics and a detailed environmental analysis of the biochar production process will lead to the creation of carbon credits for the carbon offsets market. In this market, standardized carbon certificates for the reduction of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere are trade just like in the stock market. In conclusion, this project proposes a novel alternative for Greenhouse farms to eliminate a liability by converting it into profit and a benefit for their soil.

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