Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Integrated Article


Master of Science




Gilliland, Jason A.


E-cigarette use is a recent phenomenon that is growing in prevalence among young people. The devices often contain various substances, such as nicotine, tobacco, cannabis, and/or flavouring and other chemicals, which may lead to addiction, respiratory issues, and impact brain development. Recent studies have identified various features of neighbourhood environments that may be associated with e-cigarette use. This thesis explores elements of the neighbourhood environment that may be influential in e-cigarette use. It includes a systematic review that examines how neighbourhood environments influence e-cigarette use among young people. It also includes a geospatial analysis of how e-cigarette retailers are distributed throughout Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin counties, in relation to school locations and neighbourhood characteristics and the potential impact of future policies restricting e-cigarette retailers. Findings from this thesis may be useful for informing effective and equitable policies to protect young people from e-cigarette use and the potential associated health risks.

Summary for Lay Audience

E-cigarettes are electronic devices that contain chemicals, such as nicotine, tobacco, cannabis, and/or flavouring. The devices heat a liquid into a vapour, which is then inhaled by the user. E-cigarettes have become popular with people trying to quit smoking as well as people who do not smoke and young people. However, e-cigarette use can impact brain development and lead to addiction and breathing issues. Recent studies have found features of neighbourhood environments that may be linked to e-cigarette use. This thesis explores elements of the neighbourhood environment that may impact e-cigarette use. It includes a systematic review that studies how neighbourhood environments affect e-cigarette use among young people. This thesis then studies how e-cigarette retailers are located in Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin counties, in relation to school locations and neighbourhood characteristics. It also studies the potential impact of future policies limiting e-cigarette retailers. Findings from this thesis may be useful for informing effective and fair policies to protect young people from e-cigarette use and the potential related health risks.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
