Thesis Format
Integrated Article
Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kermani, Mehrdad R.
Compliance in robotic systems became a very important and desirable characteristic in recent years. Existing compliant actuation approaches have either limited performance or significant mechanical and control complexity. Keeping high performance while maintaining the necessary level of compliance at low cost and minimum complexity is a challenging goal that should be achieved to boost the propagation of human-safe robots and systems capable to perform delicate tasks in an unknown environment.
This study presents a novel five degrees-of-freedom compliant manipulator. The compliancy of the manipulator is achieved using antagonistically working pairs of magneto-rheological (MR) clutches in each joint of the robot. The drive train of the manipulator consists of a single electrical motor located at the base of the robot and 5 pairs of antagonistic MR clutches. Multiple design concepts for the development of the manipulator’s drive train are considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each concept were studied. The most efficient drive train concept is selected and further developed.
An improved design, complete analysis, and prototype development of a high torque-to-mass ratio magneto-rheological clutch are performed. The proposed MR clutches are intended as the main actuation mechanism for each joint of the robotic manipulator. Multiple steps to increase the toque-to-mass ratio of the clutch are evaluated and taken in the final design.
The mathematical modeling of the kinematics and dynamics for the robot is performed.
The behavior of implemented magneto-rheological antagonistic distributed active semi-active actuation approach (A-DASA actuation) is studied in terms of stability.
A novel design concept of a miniaturized MR clutch for prospective end-effector is developed. The design uses a set of spur gears as a means to control the torque. The details of the mechanical design of the spur gear MR clutch are discussed. The distribution of the magnetic flux inside the MR clutch is studied using finite element analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics software. Experimental results using an assembled prototype validate the new concept feasibility.
Summary for Lay Audience
This study presents a novel five degrees-of-freedom compliant manipulator. The compliancy of the manipulator is achieved using antagonistically working pairs of magneto-rheological (MR) clutches in each joint of the robot. The drive train of the manipulator consists of a single electrical motor located at the base of the robot and 5 pairs of antagonistic MR clutches. Multiple design concepts for the development of the manipulator’s drive train are considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each concept were studied. The most efficient drive train concept is selected and further developed.
An improved design, complete analysis, and prototype development of a high torque-to-mass ratio magneto-rheological clutch are performed. The proposed MR clutches are intended as the main actuation mechanism for each joint of the robotic manipulator. Multiple steps to increase the toque-to-mass ratio of the clutch are evaluated and taken in the final design.
The mathematical modeling of the kinematics and dynamics for the robot is performed.
Recommended Citation
Pisetskiy, Sergey, "Mechanical Design and Development of a Compliant 5-DOF Manipulator Using Magneto-Rheological Actuators" (2021). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 8121.