Thesis Format
Integrated Article
Master of Science
Ding, Zhifeng
The electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of three novel materials was explored in this thesis. A di-boron complex exhibiting crystallization-induced blue shift emission was detected utilizing photoluminescence. This phenomenon was successfully observed in the annihilation pathway, resulting in crystallization-induced blue shift ECL. The effects of coreactant and crystallization-induced enhancements were distinguished utilizing two testing systems. Undoped and Mn-doped CsPbCl3 perovskites were investigated, as the latter exhibits a dual emissive photoluminescence pathway due to host and dopant emission mechanics. It was discovered that the electrochemiluminescence of Mn-doped CsPbCl3 proceeds through a triplet-triplet annihilation pathway. Furthermore, the relaxation of the electrochemically generated Mn-doped CsPbCl3 excited state was proposed to relax through a dual emissive pathway (surface states and dopant emission). Finally, a new synthetic method was developed for a green wavelength emitting carbon quantum dots (CQDs) from glucose and phytic acid precursors. Preliminary testing shows promise of CQDs as ECL luminophores.
Summary for Lay Audience
Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) refers to a light emission process in which electricity is used to generate radical species that can react to form excited state species. It is the relaxation of these excited state species that produces a light emission. This technique can be applied to a wide variety of chemicals, molecules, and even nanomaterials. While there is a high motivation to find bright and highly efficient light emitting compounds and materials, understanding the fundamental processes that lead to formation of excited state species is vital for engineering suitable ECL candidates and developing their applications. In this thesis, three new materials were explored and their interesting light emitting properties examined. A newly synthesized organic compound containing two boron atoms, manganese doped perovskites and carbon nanomaterials formed from glucose were tested for their ECL. Each material is very different and provides a unique lens through which ECL is viewed. In conjunction with different spectroscopy and chemical testing methods, mechanistic insights were obtained in hopes of expanding the applications of these materials towards potential use in light emitting devices and immunoassays.
Recommended Citation
Wong, Jonathan M., "Electrochemiluminescence of a Di-Boron Complex, Perovskite and Carbon Quantum Dots" (2020). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 7534.
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