Master of Science
Dr. Gail M. Atkinson
2nd Supervisor
Dr. Sheri Molnar
Joint Supervisor
A thorough characterization of the site conditions at Alberta seismic stations is a vital component in assessing seismic hazard in the province. This thesis provides the first earthquake site characterizations in Alberta, including shear-wave velocity (VS) depth profiles, estimates of the average shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 m (VS30) and peak frequency (fpeak), and their validation for prediction of earthquake site amplification. National Building Code of Canada site classes are limited to C and D based on VS30 estimates, with D being the predominant site class. Three empirical site amplification functions are derived from microtremor and earthquake horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios ( s) from 52 seismic stations in Alberta that can be correlated with surficial geology. Softer ground conditions are characteristic of the largest observed amplification ratios. I show that s derived from the microtremor survey method provide a valid measure of earthquake site amplification in Alberta's geologic setting.
Recommended Citation
Farrugia, Joseph J., "The First Earthquake Site Assessments in Alberta, Canada" (2017). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 4935.