Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Laws




Mohammed Khimji


Competition Law is primarily a regulator for fair competitive behaviour amongst businesses of the same sector.[1] Competition policy and trade liberalization promotes economic efficiency, development and growth in the economy.[2] My thesis revolves around the scope of competition law in the United Arab Emirates. The study focuses on competition and foreign investments as tools of economic growth by citing industry-specific examples and highlighting court cases where an abuse of dominance occurred. I have undertaken a comparative study of competition law as between developed nations and developing nations. The comparative study informs my recommendations for the role of competition law in the UAE.

[1] “The Importance of Competition Policy” Office of Fair Trading, The Times 100, online:

[2] World Trade Organisation, Working Group on the Interaction, between Trade and Competition Policy, Synthesis Paper on the Relationship of Trade and Competition policy to Development and Economic Growth, Note by the Secretariat, 18 September 1998
