Thesis Format
Integrated Article
Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Zheng, Ying
2nd Supervisor
Zeng, Yimin
CanmetMATERIALS, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Optimizing the use of unconventional oil resources, like oil sand bitumen, is crucial for meeting the global energy demand in an environmentally sustainable and economically viable way. Unconventional oils, including extra-heavy oil and oil sand bitumen, make up over 55% of the world's oil reserves. Therefore, this research focuses on innovative partial upgrading techniques that significantly reduce bitumen’s viscosity and improve its quality for pipeline transportation and refining. The work presented in this thesis examines various potential routes for effectively partially upgrading bitumen through a series of experimental studies. The first investigation starts with using ionic surfactants to enhance the thermal cracking reactions and the dispersion of asphaltenes, which greatly reduces bitumen viscosity by up to 60% and improves the quality of the upgraded bitumen. Then, the research continues to investigate the use of iron-based catalysts for further conversion, focusing on how their oxidation state, particle size, and concentration affect the upgrading efficiency. The results highlight the great potential of Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a cheap, robust, and sustainable catalyst and its effectiveness in promoting hydrogenation and cracking reactions resulting in up to 59% vacuum residue conversion. The research goes further to introduce a novel approach through the utilization of waste fly ash cenospheres which are coated with a layer of Fe3O4. These new innovative catalysts are then used to catalyze bitumen upgrading with the help of various organic H-donor solutions, with SEM, EDX, XRD, and XPS characterizing the catalysts' properties and their impact on the upgrading process. Additionally, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed and fine-tuned to predict the physical properties of the upgraded bitumen with high accuracy, showcasing the potential of machine learning in optimizing the upgrading processes. Finally, the thesis investigates the use an alternative form of heating using microwave irradiation assisted by carbon-based microwave susceptors, which significantly lowers viscosity and enhances bitumen quality at reduced temperatures with minimal environmental impact. These findings not only demonstrate the feasibility of various partial upgrading techniques but also offer insights into optimizing catalyst properties, contributing significantly to the development of sustainable and economically viable solutions for bitumen partial upgrading.
Summary for Lay Audience
Meeting the world's growing energy needs in a way that's both environmentally friendly and affordable is a big challenge, especially when it comes to using uncommon oil resources that aren't easy to extract, like oil sand bitumen. This kind of oil makes up more than half of the world’s oil reserves and is know for its high viscosity and density. This research explores several innovative techniques to make the oil less viscous and with higher quality for pipeline transportation and use. The study explores several innovative methods to improve the properties of the bitumen. One approach uses special chemicals known as surfactants to enhance the break down and dispersion of the heavy components within bitumen, making it less viscous and easier to transport and refine. Another method involves using iron-based catalysts—substances that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed themselves. These catalysts are particularly exciting because they are cheap, effective, and environmentally friendly. The research further tests a creative technique that uses small sand-like spheres coated with iron, derived from waste material, to help in further upgrading the bitumen. In addition to that, a computer model that uses artificial intelligence was developed to predict how well the oil upgrading process will work. This tool can help optimize the process, saving time and resources. Lastly, the study examines the use of microwave technology, with the help of carbon materials, to make these processes more efficient and less harmful to the environment. The findings show that these new methods could significantly reduce the environmental impact of processing bitumen, cut down on energy use, and open up new ways to use bitumen beyond just burning it for fuel. This is good news for the environment and for meeting global energy needs in more sustainable ways. The research is a step forward in making the oil industry eco-friendlier and more efficient, aligning with global goals for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
Recommended Citation
Abdrabou, Moataz, "Innovative Techniques for Partially Upgrading Oil Sand Bitumen to Pipeline Transportable Crude" (2024). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 10277.