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Despite its importance, software testing is, arguably, the least understood part of the software life cycle and still the toughest to perform correctly. Many researchers and practitioners have been working to address the situation. However, most of the studies focus on the process and technology dimensions and only a few on the human dimension of testing, in spite of the reported relevance of human aspects of software testing. Testers need to understand various stakeholders’ explicit and implicit requirements, be aware of how developers work individually and in teams, and develop skills to report test results wisely to stakeholders. These multifaceted qualifications lend vitality to the human dimension in software testing. Exploring this human dimension carefully may help understand testing in a better way.


Also available in online conference proceedings at: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-Companion.2019.00103

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Citation of this paper:

Capretz L.F., Waychal P., Jia J., Comparing the Popularity of Testing Career among Canadian, Chinese, and Indian Students, 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-SEET), Montreal, Canada, pp. 258-259, DOI: 10.1109/ICSE-Companion.2019.00103, IEEE Press, May 2019.

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