Education Publications
Ontario's suspension and expulsion program evaluation: final report
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 2017
In June 2015, the Ontario Ministry of Education and Western University’s Centre for Educational Leadership entered a contractual agreement. This contractual agreement concerns “Education and Research Services” as related to an evaluation of the implementation of suspension and expulsion policy and programming in Ontario’s public schools. The contract included several deliverables, including this final report, as well as recommendations for prevention, intervention, and suspension and expulsion programs in relation to these education and research services.
To evaluate suspension and expulsion programs and provide recommendations, this final report includes:
- An overview of suspension and expulsion policy and program implementation in Ontario’s public schools;
- An evaluation of program implementation, including an assessment of program effectiveness;
- A summary of enablers and challenges to program delivery and implementation;
- A review of the funding allocations provided to school boards through the Safe and Accepting Schools Supplement, with a focus on the Safe and Accepting Schools Allocation; and
- A summary of key findings and recommendations.
Citation of this paper:
Pollock, K., Faubert, B., Hauseman, C., & Bakker, P. (2017). Ontario's suspension and expulsion program evaluation: final report. Western Centre for Educational Leadership. http://www.ldao.ca/wp-content/uploads/Suspension-Expulsion-Program-Report.pdf