Education Publications
Scholarship as a Foundation for Health
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Book Chapter
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The education of clinicians is based in both traditions and aspirations for collecting and applying knowledge in ways that are better than ever before. Gunderman has presented the idea (Gunderman 2006) that “the quality of medical education hinges on the quality of leadership in academic medical centers,” with success dependent upon the ability to promote and encourage dialogue that inspires innovation and the consideration of an organization and its actions. Like many fields in the twenty-first century, advances and changes in imaging research, technology, and our ability to collaborate globally, have and continue to profoundly transform Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Therefore, innovation in the education of tomorrow's experts in this department is both compelling and necessary. Recognizing the symptoms of declining scholarly health among medical institutions worldwide, the Department of Medical Imaging (DMI) at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, the University of Western Ontario sought “professional help.” In 2006, a Centre for Education was established to optimize the role and function of educational scholarship in the DMI through curriculum design and development, support for faculty in the “art of teaching” and the establishment of a program to foster scholarship in teaching. The ideas presented in our work draw upon a clinical metaphor, where the DMI is the “patient” and is given a professional examination. This case study documents the process undertaken by one physician-educationalist and two “Education Doctors” as they assessed the DMI's “clinical condition,” arrived at a differential diagnosis, offered recommendations for “treatment” and explain their prognosis in this work.
Book Chapter
Hibbert, K.M., Van Deven, T., Chhem, R.K., & Harris K. (2010). Scholarship as a foundation for health. In The Practice of Radiology Education, pp. 81-97. Berlin, DE: Springer.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010