Principal Artists

Caroline Guo (piano), Terrence Wu (piano), Ian Pepper (piano)

Performance Date



von Kuster Hall

Principal Instrument(s) or Ensemble



Proceeds from the Fred Pattison Award Fund, held at Western University, support the Fred Pattison Piano Award at the Don Wright Faculty of Music, which is awarded to the winner of an annual piano competition. In addition to receiving a cash award, the winner will give a public performance the following academic year.

Dr. Pattison was Western’s former Head of Chemistry (1959-1965) and Director of Student Health Services (1973-1988). He had a great passion for the piano and spent many hours enjoying performances in von Kuster Hall at the Don Wright Faculty of Music. This award reflects his love of music and his desire to reward excellence in piano performance. 2008- 2009 was the inaugural year for this competition.
