Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


The purpose of this study was to begin developing and to examine psychometrically a computerized assessment of memory: the Standardized Memory Assessment (SMA). Computers open the door to great opportunities for the field of psychological testing, offering many advantages for purposes of standardized assessment. Of foremost advantage is that computers allow for testing constructs that were previously difficult or impossible to test, such as comprehensive measure of memory.;The psychometric properties of the SMA were examined by analyzing the data obtained from a sample of 227 undergraduates. It was determined that most subscales and scales of the SMA had moderate reliabilities. The construct validity of the SMA was examined by observing how well the obtained relationships between the subscales was explained by the information processing theory upon which the SMA was based. It was found that the information processing theory, more specifically a hierarchical version of the theory, explained the data very well. The SMA results were compare to those from intelligence test. Results indicated that memory can be viewed as distinct from the construct measured in traditional intelligence tests, although there is a strong relationship between the two psychological constructs. The SMA was also administered to a sample of 80 elderly individuals. Evidence for a general decline in cognitive ability was found, but little evidence that memory deficits associated with aging are localized to one aspect of memory. Overall, the results of the study are encouraging for further research and use of the SMA.



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