The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Vol 8 | Iss 2

Introductions to the Issue


Defining the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Nicola Simmons and Elizabeth Marquis

Research Papers/Rapports de recherche


Leading Up in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Janice E. Miller-Young, Catherine Anderson, Deborah Kiceniuk, Julie Mooney, Jessica Riddell, Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, Veronica Ward, Maureen A. Wideman, and Nancy Chick


Framework for Strengthening the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the Canadian College Sector
Eileen De Courcy, Tim Loblaw, Jessica Paterson, Theresa Southam, and Mary M. Wilson


Bridging the Divide: Leveraging the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Quality Enhancement
Jason A. Openo, Cory Laverty, Klodiana Kolomitro, Paola Borin, Lori Goff, Matthew Stranach, and Nahla Gomaa


Nested Within or Swallowed Up: Le dilemme des chercheurs francophones en pédagogie postsecondaire au Canada
Genevieve Maheux-Pelletier, Vanessa Rukholm, Jovan Groen, and Nancy Vézina


Success in Student-Faculty/Staff SoTL Partnerships: Motivations, Challenges, Power, and Definitions
Anita Acai, Bree Akesson, Meghan Allen, Victoria Chen, Clarke Mathany, Brett McCollum, Jennifer Spencer, and Roselynn E. M. Verwoord


Conditions for Contingent Instructors Engaged in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Marie Vander Kloet, Mandy Frake-Mistak, Michelle K. McGinn, Marion Caldecott, Erin D. Aspenlieder, Jacqueline L. Beres, Sherry Fukuzawa, Alice Cassidy, and Apryl Gill


Drawing on the Principles of SoTL to Illuminate a Path Forward for the Scholarship of Educational Development
Natasha Kenny, Celia Popovic, Jill McSweeney, Kris Knorr, Carolyn Hoessler, Shirley Hall, Nobuko Fujita, and Eliana El Khoury