Theorizing International Education: (Shifting) Contexts, Concepts, Methods
Editor's notes and front matter/Notes de la rédactrice et la matière première
Dedication of this Special Issue of Canadian and International Education to Joe Farrell
Marianne Larsen
Theorizing International Education: (Shifting) contexts, concepts, methods
Paul Tarc, Julie Byrd Clark, and Aniko Varpalotai
Research papers/Rapports de recherche
Exploiting globalization while being exploited by it:Insights from post-Soviet education reforms in Central Asia
Sarfaroz Niyozov and Nazarkhudo Dastambuev Mr.
North-South International Education Partnerships: Two Canadian Projects with Tanzania.
Aniko Varpalotai, Chantal Phillips, and Marian Roks
The role of language in processes of internationalization: Considering linguistic heterogeneity and voices from within and out in two diverse contexts in Ontario
Julie Byrd Clark, Eve Haque, and Sylvie A. Lamoureux
Reconceiving International Education: Theorizing Limits and Possibilities for Transcultural Learning
Paul Tarc, Aparna Mishra-Tarc, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, and Roopa Desai Trilokekar
Commentary: Cultivating a defiant global research imagination in international education
Jane E. Kenway
Book reviews/Comptes rendu
Book Review - Educating children in conflict zones: Research, policy and practice for systemic change. A tribute to Jackie Kirk.
Allyson M. Larkin
Marianne Larsen