Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-30-2023

URL with Digital Object Identifier


Research Data Management is a term for all the things that researchers do to structure, organize and maintain data before, during and after doing research. RDM is also an emerging discipline that is concerned with researching and developing ways to manage research data more effectively. But what is research data? Where is the push towards formal Research Data Management coming from? What are the requirements of good data management? Research Data Management in the Canadian Context: A Guide for Practitioners and Learners looks at these questions and more, all with a focus on Canadian guidelines, regulations and infrastructure.

Citation of this paper:

K. Thompson, E. Hill, E. Carlisle-Johnston, D. Dennie, E. Fortin, (Eds.) (2023) Research Data Management in the Canadian Context: A Guide for Practitioners and Learners. University of Western Ontario: Western Libraries.

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