Scholarship@Western - The Western Conference on Science Education: PeerWise: student-generated content for enhanced engagement and learning

Session Type



PAB 117

Start Date

11-7-2013 1:30 PM


e-learning, assessment, creativity, student as producer, science, research

Primary Threads

Education Technologies and Innovative Resources


PeerWise is a free, online system that allows student groups to author, answer, rate and comment on student-generated multiple choice questions. It incorporates social functionality common to many Web2.0 applications. Across multiple courses at several institutions, we have found that its use has produced:

  • A large number of high quality student submissions;
  • Enhanced student engagement with course material outside class hours and;
  • Enhanced performance on the end of course examination for the majority of students.

This online workshop will be delivered through Blackboard Collaborate and will present an introduction to PeerWise, together with a significant hands-on activity where attendees who bring their own wifi device will play the role of students creating assessment content, and answering and rating submissions from their colleagues. Attendees will gain a good understanding of the capabilities of the system and the potential it can offer for use in a wide range of sciences courses.

Media Format



Jul 11th, 1:30 PM

PeerWise: student-generated content for enhanced engagement and learning

PAB 117

PeerWise is a free, online system that allows student groups to author, answer, rate and comment on student-generated multiple choice questions. It incorporates social functionality common to many Web2.0 applications. Across multiple courses at several institutions, we have found that its use has produced:

  • A large number of high quality student submissions;
  • Enhanced student engagement with course material outside class hours and;
  • Enhanced performance on the end of course examination for the majority of students.

This online workshop will be delivered through Blackboard Collaborate and will present an introduction to PeerWise, together with a significant hands-on activity where attendees who bring their own wifi device will play the role of students creating assessment content, and answering and rating submissions from their colleagues. Attendees will gain a good understanding of the capabilities of the system and the potential it can offer for use in a wide range of sciences courses.