Student Information

Xinlei WangFollow


Statistical and Acturaial Sciences

Supervisor Name

Dr. Douglas Woolford and Dr. Kevin Granville


wildland fire science, continuous distributions, data visualization, data modeling, exploratory data analysis


The objective of my research project is to explore the relationship between variables related to wildland fire and to model distributions of epochs in wildland fire lifetimes. Several distributional families are considered for modeling these epochs, including the exponential distribution, gamma distribution, Weibull distribution and continuous phase-type distribution. I explain each of these distributions in short terms and illustrate how they are fit. Visual results of my exploratory data analysis are illustrated in two parts, data visualization and data modeling, along with my interpretation of each. Since this work is preliminary, I conclude the report with a discussion on what I have learned from the overall research experience.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my supportive co-supervisors Dr. Douglas Woolford and Dr. Kevin Granville who were willing to supervise me after our very first meeting, introduced me to the brand-new field of wildland fire science, added me to the Wildland Fire Science Laboratory and guided me throughout the program. The knowledge of wildland fire science, statistical methods and research skills they taught me are extremely valuable for both my future research and career paths. I would also like to thank all the senior fire lab members for being willing to share their knowledge and experience, listening to my presentations and giving me useful advices.

Lastly, I would like to thank USRI program coordinators for giving me the incredible opportunity to conduct a research project during my undergraduate period and for providing me with invaluable professional development sessions.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Document Type




Investigating Distributions of Epochs in Wildland Fire Lifetimes

The objective of my research project is to explore the relationship between variables related to wildland fire and to model distributions of epochs in wildland fire lifetimes. Several distributional families are considered for modeling these epochs, including the exponential distribution, gamma distribution, Weibull distribution and continuous phase-type distribution. I explain each of these distributions in short terms and illustrate how they are fit. Visual results of my exploratory data analysis are illustrated in two parts, data visualization and data modeling, along with my interpretation of each. Since this work is preliminary, I conclude the report with a discussion on what I have learned from the overall research experience.


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