Feminist Philosophy Quarterly | Vol 2 | Iss 2

Fall 2016

Our contents for Issue 2.2

Readers will find three peer-reviewed articles in this issue, followed by a collection of invited papers that grew out of a conference panel at the 2015 meeting of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP), in honour of Lorraine Code’s Epistemic Responsibility, and its influence in the thirty years since its publication. Participants in that panel have expanded their work and provide it to us for this issue as a collection, The Challenge of Epistemic Responsibility: Essays in Honour of Lorraine Code. We are grateful to Anna Mudde (Campion College at University of Regina) for writing an introduction to the invited collection, to Christine M. Koggel (Carleton University), Susan Dieleman (University of Saskatchewan), Catherine Maloney (York University), and Alexis Shotwell (Carleton University) for their expansions upon their panel papers, and to Lorraine Code (York University) for her considered response.



Allied Identities
Kurt M. Blankschaen

Invited Papers