"Introduction to Essays in Honour of Lorraine Code" by Anna Mudde

Article Title

Introduction to The Challenge of Epistemic Responsibility: Essays in Honour of Lorraine Code


This paper introduces The Challenge of Epistemic Responsibility: Essays in Honour of Lorraine Code. In this symposium of papers, invited by Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, the authors return to Code’s first book, Epistemic Responsibility (1987), to re-read it, respond to it, and rethink Code’s articulation of epistemic responsibility anew, considering it in light of her other work and drawing it into contact with their own. This symposium is the outcome of a conference panel that Anna Mudde co-organized with Susan Dieleman, held October 25, 2015, at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP) at Mudde’s institution, Campion College at the University of Regina, in Saskatchewan.

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