Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format



Doctor of Philosophy




Babenko-Mould, Yolanda


This interpretive phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of 15 graduate nursing students who participated in interprofessional simulation (IS) education. The research, guided by van Manen's methodology, aimed to understand the benefits and barriers of IS in health professional education, focusing on the question: What is the lived experience of health professional students in simulation-based interprofessional education?

Themes identified included 'Fitting In', 'Interpersonal Awareness', 'A Space to Learn', and 'Working Together'. These themes highlight the importance of collaborative skills for client care and the necessity of recognizing professional roles. IS is presented as a key tool in developing these skills and may be adaptable to various healthcare settings.

The study advocates for the integration of IS into healthcare education program curricula, emphasizing the relevance of both formal and informal learning experiences in shaping effective team dynamics. Recommendations include fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding among team members, establishing strong team rapport, and developing a comprehensive understanding of each professional's role.

Furthermore, the study calls for policy changes to embed a culture of interprofessionalism in healthcare, suggesting the integration of diverse health professionals as educators and the inclusion of interprofessional courses in health education professional programs. These initiatives aim to further enhance collaborative practices to support the delivery of quality and safe client care.

Summary for Lay Audience

This study investigates how graduate nursing students experience learning together with students from other health professions in simulated settings. The research was conducted using van Manen's method to understand the benefits and challenges of this type of education. It found four main themes: 'Fitting In', 'Interpersonal Awareness', 'A Space to Learn', and 'Working Together'. These themes emphasize the need for good teamwork skills and understanding each other's roles in healthcare.

The study suggests that this kind of simulation-based learning is an effective way to develop these skills and can be used in different healthcare environments. It recommends that healthcare education should include more of this type of training. This involves creating a learning environment where students from different health professions respect and understand each other, build good team relationships, and have a clear understanding of everyone's role.

Lastly, the study proposes changes in healthcare policies to promote teamwork among different health professionals. This includes having a variety of health professionals as teachers and including courses in healthcare education programs that focus on working across different professions. These changes are aimed at improving teamwork in healthcare, which is essential for providing high-quality and safe care to patients.

Available for download on Monday, June 01, 2026
