"Developmental Evaluation of a Gender Bullying and Sexualized Violence " by Matthew B. Gillespie
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Arts




Dr. Claire Crooks


The purpose of this developmental evaluation was to explore the unique challenges for facilitators implementing a grassroots gender bullying and sexualized prevention pilot program with males in early and middle adolescence. Data were collected from participants, facilitators, and the primary evaluator in the form of survey data, focus group and interview transcripts, and post-session notes compiled by the evaluator. These data were inputted into Dedoose, a cloud-based data analysis software used primarily for mixed-methods analyses. Open-coding was used to analyze each transcript, from which 9 root codes were derived: 1) Support All Male Setting, 2) Deconstructing Masculinity, 3) Program Recommendations, 4) Skill Development, 5) Teacher Involvement, 6) Increased Participation, 7) Decreased Participation, 8) Bystander Intervention, and 9) Bystander Non-Intervention. These codes were used to compare and contrast the experiences of participants at the elementary school level and the secondary school level, as well as the facilitators for each group. This analysis took for the form of a case study, with males at the early adolescent developmental stage (ages 11-14) constituting one case, and male at the middle adolescent developmental stage (ages 16-17) constituting another. The findings were used to formulate recommendations for future programming of this nature targeting these populations. These recommendations pertain to group size, developmental stage or participants, facilitation strategies, group gender make-up, and facilitator gender.
