Doctor of Philosophy
Robert K. Barney
This study investigated the nature and significance of Beijing’s Olympic education
initiative from its inception seven years before the 2008 Olympic Games to 2015, seven years
after the conclusion of the great festival. As exploratory research, this study is the first to cover
this academic topic. In 2001, commensurate with Beijing’s award of the 2008 Olympic Summer
Games, a non-governmental “grassroots team” initiated an Olympic Education and Olympic
Spirit initiative in a small sample of Beijing’s primary and secondary schools. The team was led
by a Canadian-trained professor, Dongguang Pei. In 2005, impressed with Pei’s and his team’s
initiative, and following the International Olympic Committee’s guidelines for host cities
mounting Olympic Education initiatives, the Chinese government endorsed and supported an
Olympic Education Legacy initiative called the Olympic Action Plan. The Chinese government’s
support of disseminating Olympic knowledge to 400 million Chinese youth nationwide presented
Chinese schools, the IOC, and the world with a model for a comprehensive, vigorous, and what
some have judged a highly successful public and private school Olympic education program.
Compared with the unique Olympic education program presented throughout the seven
year period before and during the 2008 Olympic Games, in the seven years following (2008-2015),
the carefully and energetically-built program of Olympic Education deteriorated badly. The
Chinese government abandoned its leadership and enterprise in sustaining Olympic Education.
Based on the investigation sample, “Olympic education activities” in the program’s “model
schools” deteriorated abruptly after 2008. Funding, Olympic Education teacher training, and
international school partner associations ceased. On-site observation and interviews resulted in the
finding that Yangfangdian Central Primary school, the pioneer school of Beijing’s Olympic
education, remained the only model school which retained Olympic education activity after the
2008 Games. During the post-Games period, Beijing’s Olympic education was replaced by new
government approaches to education. This study needs to be understood within China’s unique
social, educational and political climate. On the one hand, a centralized political system ensured
that Olympic education be implemented under extremely powerful organizational orders. These
orders guaranteed not only financial and human resources support, but also the climate for
Olympic education to expand extremely quickly through multiple administrative levels. On the
other hand, and correspondingly, the disappearance of Olympic education after the Games was,
most certainly, due chiefly to the government’s withdrawal of initiative and support. It is a
justifiable conclusion that the Chinese centralized system, though enabling the program at its
outset and early development periods, in the end rapidly constrained the entire initiative.
Recommended Citation
Mao, Wenshuai, "A Notable Endeavor: The Nature and Significance of Olympic Education in the Pre-and Post-Period of Beijing's 2008 Olympic Games" (2015). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3294.