Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Dr. Bob Kiaii


OBJECTIVE: To compare the currently available simulation modalities in robotic surgery.

METHODS: 40 trainees completed two robotic cardiac surgery tasks and were randomized to: a wet lab, a dry lab, a virtual reality lab or a control group with no additional training. Participants trained to proficiency determined by two expert robotic surgeons, and then repeated the assessments. All assessments were blinded and evaluated using the GEARS scoring tool.

RESULTS: All three training streams improved their performance. The wet lab and virtual reality groups met the levels of proficiency for all tasks. The average time to reach proficiency was least for the dry lab and most for the virtual reality.

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first RCT to compare simulation modalities in robotic surgery. This work highlights key differences in current training methods and will help training programs invest resources in cost-effective, high-yield simulation methods to improve training in robotic cardiac surgery.

masters_supervisor_approval_form_Valdis.pdf (30 kB)
Master's Thesis Supervisory Approval Form

Certificate of Examination.pdf (19 kB)
Certificate of Examination

Robotic Masters Thesis Final - Valdis.pdf (1690 kB)
